Preacher Perfect?

The day of the preacher has changed. Some of you are thinking, “Preach it, Matthew!” You’re ready for me to attack all the changes that have taken place. Sorry, but I won’t. Years ago, the preacher was someone untouchable. He was put on this pedestal as he wore his robe or suit, elevated high above the people. No one felt that he was approachable. That still rings true today.

This old mindset is still something I battle.  I’m not the pedestal guy in the suit, but I am the hospice chaplain that some put on a show for. I don’t have that so much anymore, but some still do it. Don’t pretend around me! You may or may not be surprised at how human I am.

I say things I shouldn’t say when I get mad (everyone gasps). A lot of preachers wouldn’t confess this. I will. I have to go to God frequently and admit I blew it.

I misjudge people (judging is a sin). Many Christians feel that this is a calling. The truth is that Jesus Christ is the final Judge, and I need to keep my nose out of things.

I struggle with forgiveness (and don’t you dare say that I should forgive because I’m a preacher). EVERYONE is supposed to forgive, especially if you know what it is like for Jesus to forgive you!

My feelings get hurt. Yes, preachers have feelings. We often have people spread rumors about us and think they know our intentions. They would rather stir up a campaign against us than biblically come to us and work things out.

The list goes on. So understand that preachers deal with the same temptations you do.

A word to preachers: Quit that foolish act you were taught in Bible college in seminary. People aren’t impressed with your talk, hair, strut, or anything else. Be real! More people will feel like they can approach you with real life stuff if you quit the act. Otherwise, they will think you have no understanding of anything and will keep their distance. The sad thing is that they are taking their cue from you.


8 thoughts on “Preacher Perfect?

  1. Amen, brother! It is mportant to share such truths, especially the last paragraph. Much of the problem lies in the fact that the way we “do church” today (in the US, at least) is NOT scriptural, but very worldly. For starters, we, the members of the Body of Christ, ARE the Church; the building we assemble in for fellowship is not “church”…
    Regarding your concerns for how “clergy” are regarded by what some call “laity”, Jesus rebuked the religious-minded people of His day about elevating another flesh-and-blood sibling who happens to be serving the Lord in a capacity such as yours:
    “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one Master and YOU ARE ALL BROTHERS. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have only one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called ‘teacher,’ for you have one Teacher, the Christ. The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (Matt. 23:6-12 emphasis added)
    Our Lord was not the only one to teach us that we are ALL on equal ground with respect to other members of the Body of Christ beside the Head. Paul spoke of this numerous times, but in Colossians admonishes us, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you TEACH AND ADMONISH ONE ANOTHER with all wisdom…” (3:16, emphasis added; see also 1:28).
    “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” (Col. 2:8)
    God bless you, brother, for speaking out about this as you have here. Pride is behind this (I know; I’m a doctor! 😊). It is the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth.

    1. I was extremely apprehensive when my doctor/former choir member recommended me for the position. Many of these patients receive no attention from their pastor or church members, so I often step in as their pastor for a time.

      1. You are filling a role for the Kingdom that few are able to fill. And you are right about not putting on an act. People don’t want to see an act…they want to see someone who is genuine. In times of death and serious illness, people are not looking for a smooth talker; they are looking for a solid wall to lean on for support.

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