Be the Solution

Everywhere I go, I encounter issues. I hear about problems at work, at home, at church. That’s what I do. I listen. God wired me to listen. There has to be a point in a person’s life when a problem is solved.

In leadership, I find that people come to me with complaints about things. I would pass out if someone came up with a solution. I must admit that the people of Overcomers Church are pretty good about presenting solutions to our issues. Because we rent a facility and run into bumps along the way, we constantly have to evaluate what is going on and how to improve considering that we have limited resources. (If you are on Overcomer and don’t present solutions, now is a great time to start😀).

What happens when you are a part of the solution? You boost morale. You encourage your leadership and others on your team. What happens when all you do is complain? You kill morale, increase turnover, and potentially contribute to the sinking of the ship.

If you see a need in your church, meet it. If something is going undone at work, jump in and do it. People who want to be a part of the solution don’t care about recognition. They put the good of the organization before self.<<
e only time to move on is if you have done all you can do but to no avail. If you have not offered to make things better and your plan is to go elsewhere, you are a spectator. Be a thermostat and set the temperature. If you only want to be a thermometer, go elsewhere because you probably won't be happy very long there either. God's will is for you to be a positive atmosphere changer. Live out His plan and watch a miracle unfold before you.

5 thoughts on “Be the Solution

  1. I love that quote when you say: “People who want to be a part of the solution don’t care about recognition. They put the good of the organization before self.” – How true that is. 😀 – Sherline.

  2. I think our society teaches us to think, “What will I get out of this?” for everything that we face – What will I get out of this relationship? What will I get out of church? What will I get out of helping this person? – but that’s not the attitude we’re to have. We’re to have the attitude of a servant, a heart that searches for the needs of others, not just us. Instead of looking for what we can get out of something, we should be looking for how we can give.

    Thank you for this! Your thoughts are spot on! Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. True man. I think lots of people just think someone else is probably gonna get on to it, and others put their head back in the sand so they can stay asleep lol. I am encouraged by your post for sure, I reckon the word has something to say about complaining right? Thanks for sharing

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