How Can You Turn Pretend Into Reality Now?

This post more than likely convince you to quit pretending if you do so.

Michael J. Fite


“Pretending to be someone, have something, or feel anything all starts with our imagination and dreams. The only way pretending becomes reality is when you believe and do what is necessary to have what you want and become the person you want to be.” -Michael J. Fite

Keep this in mind whenever you stop and think about how pretend can lead to reality in your life.

We all have pretended to be someone, have something, or feel a certain way at times. Pretending happens to be a double-edge sword in a way because although we may like how it makes us feel at times, it is frowned upon when someone is not actually what they say feel or think.

Today’s inspiration is all about turning the people and things that we pretend to want, feel, and be into reality. The good news for you is that you have done this…

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